Wednesday, 10 September 2014

For the Love of Pole Dancing - Roshelle's Story

In this first post, my BEAUTIFUL (inside and out) friend, Roshelle, shares her pole dancing journey with us. She highlights her participation in the inaugural Pole Performance Troupe night at Brass Vixens. Roshelle is one of the main reasons I continued to go to Brass Vixens after my intro month. She is personable and genuine. You can't help but love her and she can't help but ensure that you love yourself. I am so happy to have her as my first guest writer on the Everday Women Warriors blog! Enjoy!

For the Love of Pole Dancing:

I first decided to go to Brass Vixens because I’ve always wanted to try pole dancing and because of the other classes that they offer, especially their aerial fitness. I have continued going to Brass Vixens because of the ladies that teach, who make it an inspiring place to be, and because of the ladies who attend, who you can always be yourself around.

Inside Leg Hang

It’s been a little over a year since I joined, but I only started to take the pole classes seriously in January of this year. It took me this long because I was hesitant to be in the classes. I did not look like the other ladies and I felt that I would never be as skillful. It was all in my head. I have become a much stronger and more confident person because of my Brass Vixens family. It was because of this that I decided to join the Pole Performance Troupe.


Inverted Straddle/Helicopter

Sleeping Beauty!

I wanted to be part of the Pole Performance Troupe because I thought it was an awesome way to show how I've grown as a pole dancer. It’s been a while since I've done a choreographed routine and I was looking forward to it, especially since it was a pole dance routine. Tia is an amazing dancer, choreographer, and teacher. I didn't have any expectations for the routine but I knew that it was going to be fun, sexy, and amazing. My fellow troupe-mates and I were all at different levels and Tia managed to make each of us feel comfortable with the routine. We were told that we could do our own performance, so my friend, Anna, and I decided to do an additional duet. We finished the choreography the afternoon of the performance. She’ll say otherwise, but the choreo for that routine was mainly Anna’s and it was amazing to be able to bring her creativity to life.

Core group of Sexies!

Just before my Pole Troupe performed to Rihanna's 'Skin'.

I made a Facebook status about the performance and some of my friends came out to watch me. I was a nervous wreck but I was so happy to see them sitting in the audience. They enjoyed the show and hung around afterwards asking me to show them some stuff. I loved that they could see with their own eyes why I enjoy going to the studio and having them there to support me meant more than I could express.

The girls with Tia (in the pink bottoms) after our amazing show!

 That was one of my favourite parts of the experience, having my friends see me in a place where I am happy and confident. Another favourite part of the night was at the end of my performances. I was a bag of nerves before and after each performance, and I messed up a couple of times. However, right at the end of each of them, where everyone was clapping and cheering, was my a moment I absolutely loved. If you've ever performed, you know that natural high you feel once you've finished your set. That’s exactly how I felt at the end of the night; I was on cloud nine.

(Merissa dropping in to say, "LOOK AT ALL THE SEXY!!!")

I have definitely changed since joining Brass Vixens. I don’t remember the last time I've looked this good. I have never had any sort of confidence in myself until I started going here. I can proudly say that I am a strong, confident, and sexy woman and it is because of the ladies who work at and/or attend Brass Vixens. They may or may not know this, but they were one of the reasons that kept me from going back to that dark place in my head. I said above that I only started taking the pole dancing classes seriously in January. The other reason I started to take more classes at that time is because I had a lot more time on my hands. I was off work in the winter because my seasonal job had ended. I traveled for a bit when I was no longer working and I expected to have some sort of income when I got back. That never materialized. I was told by a couple of different places that I didn’t get the job I wanted abroad, I had trouble finding another job here, and to top it off I had to put the pieces of my heart back together.

Some of the BV ladies and myself with Blue from Ex-Wixes of Rock.

That darkness inside of me is a scary place to be and I knew I was heading in that direction. I have a strong support system, both here and abroad, yet I failed to see them because of the pain I was in. I felt useless, unhappy, and unloved but I had just renewed my membership with the studio. So instead of staying at home all day, I decided to take as many classes as I could so I would at least get some fresh, albeit, cold air. I started going there several times a week to keep my mind occupied and to attempt to get in shape. I started to see a difference in my body after a couple of months. Seeing this physical change pushed me to continue to go as often as I could, even when I started working again. What kept me wanting to continue these classes was the sense of community the ladies there  have built. They all truly know how to make you feel good about yourself and they believe in you, even when you don’t. I have a group of women there that I know I can count on. We are all so comfortable with each other. We can talk about anything without  worrying about facing any judgment. We got along right away and it’s been nothing but fun whenever we’re together. I'd become quite guarded around new people but my core group of sexies quickly broke down my wall. One of my friends who came out to see the performance told me that she could sense the empowerment among all of us and saw how it can be seen as a safe space. That is exactly what Brass Vixens is to me; it is my safe space, my happy place. The studio and the ladies there have a special place in my heart.

Inverted Crucifix!

The ladies of Brass Vixens helped to save me from me and showed me how great a person I am. Because of that, I will always defend my love of pole dancing. I have never had the strength, physical and otherwise, that I do now and it is because I can see the positive change in my overall being. This positive changed happened while taking classes at the studio. I still take the other classes that are offered and I still enjoy them but I see my progress the most in my pole classes. A lot of people have said that it’s a great workout, others have wondered why I take these classes, and there have been a few who downright don’t like it. I know that there’s only so much to say when it comes to my love of this type of fitness and that it won’t please everyone. I’m quite okay with that. I have learned to believe in myself in a way that I never have before and I know that it shows.

Silly faces!

Dancing with my Pole Performance Troupe ladies was an amazing night for a few reasons:

- I was surrounded by a group of ladies who had each others’ backs
- We did an amazing job performing some awesome choreography - Tia’s and our own.
- Our friends were able to see why we all love pole dancing and the studio itself
- There was a sense of happiness that could be seen and felt

I’m happy I was able to have this experience and to share it with incredible people!

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