I met Alix at Paradise Comics about two years ago and we became good friends really quickly. She is a beautiful, tell-it-like-it-is, caring person. As you'll read below, she has a lot to deal with over the past couple of years, and her determination and strength really shine through in her piece. I am so impressed by what she was able to accomplish. I definitely don't think I could finish a 10k in the time she managed with an injured leg! I totally agree with what she said about bad days!
“Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.” - Ovid:
It seems that everyone is doing some sort
of challenge. 100 Days of Happiness! 365 Photo- A- Day Challenge! 1 solid YEAR of challenges!
It is impressive that so many people choose to challenge themselves every day.
These challenges got me thinking maybe I should do one, or two, but I really
didn't know where to begin.
Perhaps it would be best to give you some background. I broke my foot in
October 2012 and have been trying to get back into running at a competitive level ever since. After two fairly significant surgeries, my surgeon told me that I could
run but it would be painful. I had the choice of running or not, but really it
was a matter of how I was going to cope with my pain. Now, to be honest, I’m an
extremely stubborn person, and that really didn't seem like a fair choice to
me. I knew I would not be able to run a full marathon, and it will probably
take me another 5 years to run a half marathon, but I decided my challenge was
not to let my pain be an excuse to stop running, or doing things I love.
I decided I would start small. I thought a five-kilometer
race would be the perfect starter race, but I couldn't find one. I was
frustrated, ten kilometers seemed like too much, but it was all that was
available. So, my first race was the Sporting Life 10k. Let me tell you,
training for this was hard! Some days, in the beginning, I could not figure out
if I was tired and my foot legitimately hurt, or I was being lazy.But I kept going; I kept running and probably did hurt my foot, even
more, in the process. I gave up for a while and became discouraged. I kept
reading Merissa’s blog posts and thought to myself, “This is ridiculous. You
absolutely can do this, but you’re trying for too much too quickly.” It seemed
silly to me that I didn't think of this right away, but I needed to do what I
could, work on endurance and create a realistic goal for the race. Training
began in earnest four months before the May race (and with no small amount of
stubbornness to help me along).
My goal for the race was 1 hour and 30 minutes total time. I decided, it was a good goal, but I wanted to look at the smaller picture. Every week I chose a goal for my runs at the gym. For example, week one my goal was to do 5 km in an hour. Week two, my goal was 5 km in 59 minutes, etc.
My goal for the race was 1 hour and 30 minutes total time. I decided, it was a good goal, but I wanted to look at the smaller picture. Every week I chose a goal for my runs at the gym. For example, week one my goal was to do 5 km in an hour. Week two, my goal was 5 km in 59 minutes, etc.
I worked hard, and some weeks I failed, I
felt discouraged and like my foot would never run the race. The weeks that I
achieved my realistic goals, I felt elated and like I could do anything.
Finally, race day came and I actually had butterflies I was so nervous. I
started the race and noticed all these people running faster than me, running
by me and I started bargaining with myself, “Ok, Alix, you can finish the race
in two hours. I know you can do two hours… well actually maybe an hour and 50
minutes, you could do it in that time.”
By the middle of the race, however, all
those people who ran past me at the start were starting to lag and I was doing
just fine. My final kilometer was the hardest (isn't it always?). My foot
was cramping and about to give out when I saw it was the last kilometer. I am 100%
positive sheer stubbornness was the reason I finished because I couldn't stop
so close to the end. I limped, ran, speed walked and pep talked myself to the
finish line. I ran my race and finished in 1 hour, 30 minutes and 40 seconds. I
told my boyfriend I was happy; secretly, I was devastated. That extra 40
seconds really upset me, I wanted to be perfect. Even so, I checked out my
time for my first 5 kilometers and realized I had finished it in 44 minutes
flat. A good building block for my next 5 km race in October.

The extra seconds at the end of my race
motivated me to work harder. I started planning my next race and created a goal
for it. I did the 30 -Day AB challenge to increase my endurance and created
small goals for myself. I've taken on a 30-Day Squat challenge (that is pure
evil and makes me grumpy), and make sure I run 5 km at least twice a week.

Every single challenge I do, I am driven by the fact that my foot still twinges and some days it can be uncomfortable to do anything. On those days, I do rest, but the rest of the time I work hard to complete the goals I have set for myself. But the best part of these challenges has been what they have taught me about myself! Small goals make everything achievable for me, patience is key, and working hard will pay off. The most important thing though is that it is absolutely okay to have a bad day.

Alix SMASH!!!
After watching everyone post their challenges on Facebook and blogs, after
seeing so many people’s happiness and determination, it strikes me that no one
talks about the bad days. The days you can’t continue. The days that hurt. I
feel lucky to know that I have bad days, and more importantly, that I am okay with them. They make me
appreciate the good ones even more!
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